Protecting Minors on Campus

Those who administer covered programs must comply with applicable federal and state laws and university policies regarding the protection of minors on campus. Additionally, all individuals involved in covered programs who serve minors must adhere to background screenings and conduct requirements, 包括根据适用法律举报已知或涉嫌虐待或忽视未成年人的义务.

Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the relevant processes detailed on this page and use the table of contents below to quickly jump to a certain topic or section. If you have additional questions, please email

Protection of Minors Process

本页描述的流程适用于PG电子试玩平台的教师, staff, students, volunteers and contractors, 以及管理承保项目或主持任何活动的非PG电子试玩平台APP组织或个人, program or camp that is

  • held on Temple University campuses, sponsored or operated by Temple University; and 

  • has participants who are minors (younger than 18 years old). 

Program Registration

PG电子试玩平台所有涉及未成年人的项目和活动都必须使用该网站进行批准和注册 Minors on Campus registration system.  

请填写申请表,登记未成年人参加PG电子试玩平台的校园项目或活动. External programs must complete a Facilities Use Agreement form (PDF) and return it to their Temple contact. 

所有涵盖的课程(内部和外部),包括虚拟课程,必须注册 at least 60 days prior to the first scheduled date of participation by minors. 未能及时注册可能会取消该项目在PG电子试玩平台校园内运作的资格. 

Background Clearance Requirements

The Ethics and Compliance coordinator is responsible for coordinating the completion of required background checks and accepting the report of federal criminal history records from the faculty, staff, student or volunteer. 背景调查将被审查和分析,以确保符合大学的政策和程序. 

All individuals who will have direct contact with minors in a covered program are subject to the following minimum screening requirements.

All screenings will be conducted, 所有信息和结果将按照适用法律使用, regulations, and university policies and procedures. 

All background clearances must be

  • 注册项目时年龄不超过5岁

  • completed and submitted prior to having contact with children. 

任何符合筛选要求的个人都有持续的义务, if they continue to participate in a covered program, 立即向学校披露任何新的重罪或轻罪定罪或无抗辩请求. 

有关如何获得背景调查的信息,请访问 Pennsylvania’s Department of Human Services website. 

Temple Internal Programs

Temple employees, students and volunteers participating in activities involving minors must have valid Child Abuse Certifications and disclosures on file with the Office of Background Checks and Compliance prior to the commencement of service in accordance with the Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) and Temple University Policy #04.61.14


  • Register on Minors on Campus registration system. 天普的未成年人安全政策要求所有涵盖的项目都要注册 at least 60 days prior to the first scheduled date of participation by minors. 

  • Submit a list of staff, 将在项目或活动中工作的学生或志愿者,包括他们的id和职位/部门.

人力资源部会审查员工名单确认所有人都没有接触过未成年人. The program coordinator will receive an email approval notice from the Human Resources Office of Background Checks and Compliance when all clearances have been reviewed and accepted. 


The following information is for non-Temple organizations or individuals who host any activity, program or camp only. 由大学雇用或附属于大学的个人(e.g., alumni, coaches) shall be considered external groups if they seek to use buildings or facilities in an individual capacity or as representative of a third-party organization.

All programs or activities involving minors on Temple’s campus must ensure their programs are run consistently with Temple University’s Policy on the Safety of Minors (PDF). 该政策包括举报涉嫌虐待或忽视未成年人的要求, registering programs, completing relevant online training, and undergoing background checks. 

All contracts for the use of university facilities (Facilities Use Agreement (PDF)) by outside parties for programs involving minors must reference the requirements for program registration and background checks. 外部项目协调员将与他们的PG电子试玩平台APP联系人一起完成PG电子试玩平台APP的设施使用协议. 

Once the registration is completed, the external program must submit the names of those working or volunteering with their program and the three required clearances.  

The required clearances are listed below. 

Per Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services Law, required clearances are valid for 60 months (five years) and must be renewed prior to the expiration date to remain valid. 有关所需背景调查的信息,请访问 Pennsylvania’s Department of Human Services website. 

Temple’s Policy on the Safety of Minors (PDF) requires all covered programs to be registered at least 60 days prior to the first scheduled date of participation by minors. 外部项目必须完成PG电子试玩平台未成年人安全政策的所有要求. 不遵守这些要求将导致取消他们的课程, camp or activity

Reporting Abuse or Neglect

In addition to university faculty, staff, students and volunteers, those having direct contact with minors in covered programs are required to comply with all applicable Temple University policies and procedures as well as local, 关于举报已知或涉嫌虐待或忽视未成年人的州和联邦法律法规.

关于虐待和忽视儿童的迹象的信息可以在坦普尔的附录C中找到 Policy on the Safety of Minors (PDF). Pennsylvania law requires that “persons who, in the course of their professional work, 与儿童接触者有义务向有关部门举报涉嫌虐待儿童的情况 ChildLine or law enforcement.” 

If you are a member of the university’s faculty, staff, student body or a university volunteer, or are having direct contact with minors in covered programs, 在你受雇或履行职责的过程和范围内,你意识到虐待或忽视, or have a suspicion of possible abuse or neglect of a minor, you are considered a mandated reporter and have an affirmative duty to report the incident or suspicion of harm to the Department of Public Safety at 215-204-1234 在主校区,安布勒校区或健康科学中心校区,或通过当地执法部门 911 at any location. To report anonymously, 拨打宾夕法尼亚州儿童服务部虐待儿童举报热线 800-932-0313

Failure to comply with this policy may result in discipline up to and including termination of employment and/or potential criminal charges per the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law.

Policies and Resources for Minors on Campus

If you manage, 参与或监督涉及未成年人的项目或活动, please review the Temple University’s policies, important contacts, required forms and additional information below. 

